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Interview: Meet Fabu Pires
The Artist Behind Everything Vibrates Exhibition

Haastattelu: WWF-LEHTI 3/2020
Taiteilija Fabu Pires on WWF:n ja R-Collectionin uusien yhteistyöpaitojen suunnittelija.

Haastattelu: Fabio “Fabu Pires"
Fabio “Fabu” Pires. Nimi, jonka muistan aina.

Interview for TADAH Magazine, an independent art & music magazine based in Helsinki.
Fabu Pires is a Brazilian artist and skateboarder based in Helsinki. His work is filled with colours, emotion and psychedelia, to the point where you have to blink your eyes twice to make sure that what you are looking at is really there. Interview by Leandro Correa and Felipe Gasnier Photography by Justus Hirvi
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